Thursday, February 23, 2006

Ten Cool Classes At Our Homeschool Co-op

Ten cool classes offered at our homeschool co-op this semester that I wish *I* could take!

Choir - Ages 6+
Choir is an excellent class to develop not only vocal strength and skill but confidence in performing before an audience. (songs chosen will be with Christian content) No supply fee. Limit: 20 students.

Crafts Around the World - Ages 6-9

Each week will feature a craft from another country along with an interesting cultural lesson. Students will be asked the similarities and differences they notice between our culture and others. The location of the country featured will be pointed out on a globe ormap and some geographical review will be included for countries previously covered. Simple items from home may be required (scissors, paper, other common things) and will be listed before classes start. Limit 12 No Supply Fee

Drawing, Beginning – Ages 8-10
Class will focus on giving drawing instruction, using pencil. Beginners will be encouraged to develop drawing skills and cultivate their own creative flare. SUPPLY FEE: $ 4.00 and each child should bring 1HB Drawing pencil, 1 Kneaded eraser, and drawing paper of their choosing. All of this can be purchased at Walmart or any art supply store. Limit: 10 students

Dynamic Discoveries - Ages 8-11
Your child will have the opportunity to creatively express themselves in this mini-speech class! Research & report on interesting topics assigned by the instructor. Visual aids welcome! (Fun topics include: animals, US states, countries, history of foods, etc...) Please bring a pencil and folder with you to each class. Parents will probably need to assist in research at home. Please check your child's folder each week. Supply fee $2; Limit 10 students.

Financial Peace for Teens - Ages 12+
A seven week course, taught by Dave Ramsay, via video. Equip your teen to: 1) make wise financial decisions, 2) Realize the importance of being a good steward, 3) Start laying out a plan for his or her future, 4) Learn how to live debt-free. Eighth week to be decided. Supply Fee: $8 for workbook; Limit 10 students

Fun with Scrapbooking Kits - Ages 8+
The teacher will provide a scrapbooking kit each week for each student and provide instruction and guidance in assembling the scrapbook page. Supply fee $20; Limit 15 students. THIS WILL BE A 90 MINUTE CLASS

Greek Myths
Not your parents' Aesop's Fables! Familiarity with Greek mythology provides a greater understanding for later readings of Shakespeare, Dante, Tolkien, Lewis, Milton, Steinbeck, and others. Supply fee $5; Flexible class size.

Jewelry Making - Ages 9+
Learn the basics of stringing, wire work, and hemp weaving, types of stones and styles, develop your personal style, and be able to leave with a bracelet and kit you make yourself. Supply fee $20; Limit 10 students.

Karate, Beginning $30 TUITION FEE
Laurie Scott is a 1st degree black belt (June 02) with 10 years of experience teaching karate. This class will present Isshinryu karate techniques, including 8 basic kicks, 15 upper body moves (punches/blocks), and kata (a series of moves, or routine). Students will focus on self-defense, respect for self and others, challenging self to work with both strengths AND weaknesses. If you already have some karate experience, you can work at your individual level. Check with instructor if you have questions about the level of your experience. Wear a karate uniform, or sweats or loose fitting comfortable clothing. Karate uniforms are strongly encouraged. A uniform top, pants and belt - $27.50 Limit: 12-15 students per class. *ALL STUDENTS MUST PRACTICE * AT LEAST 10 MINUTES, 5 DAYS A WEEK!

Shakespeare Times Two - ages 12+
We will be studying two of Shakespeare's plays - Hamlet and Much Ado About Nothing. Each one will be reflective of the two styles for which Shakespeare is best known: the tragedy and the comedy. We will learn about the style of a play, how to read a play, and how to incorporate imagery and language to their full capacities. Our goal will be to enjoy reading Shakespeare and if not, then to at least to appreciate his works. Limit 12 students, Supply fee $5

The co-op kids can take 4-5 classes each! My kids love co-op!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Ten Movies I Am Always Interested in Watching!

Create your own Movie List @ HotFreeLayouts!

Ten Quotes about Chocolate!

1 - There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with CHOCOLATE.
Linda Grayson, "The Pickwick Papers"

2 - I never met a chocolate I didn't like. Deanna Troi in Star Trek: The Next Generation (I can't believe I am quoting someone from ST!)

3 - Nobody knows the truffles I've seen!

4 - "Las cosas claras y el chocolate espeso." (Ideas should be clear and chocolate thick.) Spanish proverb

5 - Chemically speaking, chocolate really is the world's perfect food. Michael Levine, nutrition researcher, as quoted in The Emperors of Chocolate: Inside the Secret World of Hershey and Mars

6 - Put "eat chocolate" at the top of your list of things to do today. That way, at least you'll get one thing done.

7 - Researchers have discovered that chocolate produced some of the same reactions in the brain as marijuana. The researchers also discovered other similarities between the two, but can't remember what they are. Matt Lauer on NBC's Today Show, August 22

8 - I have this theory that chocolate slows down the aging process.... It may not be true, but do I dare take the chance?

9 - If you've got melted chocolate all over your hands, you're eating it too slowly.

10 - Money talks. Chocolate sings.

Want more Chocolate quotes?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Ten 80's Pop Songs I STILL Love to Sing Along With

If these come on the radio, I sing along. Loudly! :-)

1 - Sussudio - Phil Collins
2 - Livin' on a Prayer - Bon Jovi
3 - Manic Monday - Bangles
4 - Talking in Your Sleep - The Romantics
5 - Wake Me Up Before You Go-go - Wham!
6 - Can't Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon
7 - You're The Inspiration - Chicago
8 - Kyrie - Mr. Mister
9 - Addicted To Love - Robert Palmer
10 - Eye of the Tiger - Survivor

(I'm sure there are lots more pop songs I like to sing along with; these are just the first 10 I could think of!)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Ten Things I Like That At First I Did Not Like At All

1 - Raw Broccoli
2 - Star Wars Episodes 1-3 (well, I don't hate them)
3 - The Matrix
4 - Keanu Reeves
5 - Purse without a shoulder strap
6 - Van Halen
7 - Homeschooling
8 - Monsters, Inc.
9 - The Emperor's New Groove
10 - My treadmill

Friday, February 03, 2006

Ten Things I'd Do To My House If I Had The Dough

Just for Angie. :-) Well, the rest of you (if there ARE any others out there!) can read it too!

1 - Finish the back room (currently cement floor and undrywalled walls) into our master bedroom.

2 - Add a bathroom upstairs.

3 - Put in a concrete driveway (currently 2 wheel tracks of concrete and the rest dirt/mud).

4 - Extend the girls' bedroom over the back room, to add a lot of space. Then divide that room into two bedrooms.

5 - Redo the kitchen, starting with the cabinets. I'd like to keep my big porcelain covered iron sink, though. New appliances definitely. These were here (and old already) when we bought the house 12 years ago.

6 - Can I add a basement to a house that doesn't have one? If I can, I would. (All we have is a "Michigan basement" with a furnace and water heater in it. Just the one tiny room - dirt floor.)

7 - Finish all the little odds and ends that never got done. Trim that isn't put up, etc...


9 - OK, since we're dreaming here, add on an INDOOR pool.

10 - Barring all that, I wish we'd have pushed the house over and started from scratch 12 years ago. I won't remodel again. And if I say I might try? Shoot me.